About the author
Tafari Charles was born in Brooklyn, NY, in 1980. His parents, Ava and Lincoln, migrated to the United States from Trinidad in the ’70s as children. They met in high school and have been together ever since. Tafari was born on November 22, 1980, at Brookdale Hospital in Brooklyn, NY. He was three months premature and struggled to survive with the help of doctors, nursing staff, and prayers from loved ones. His mother would later tell him that at the time of his birth, he was so small that he could fit in the palm of her hand. He spent the first couple of months of his life inside an incubator with no physical contact with anyone. Tafari had been fed through a tube, and a needle was stuck in his stomach until he was developed enough to eat through his mouth. Tafari defied the odds and grew into a healthy baby boy.